Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Taking A Break

Too tired to write today.
To tired to look at another book at about the Halifax Explosion or try to track down information that was meant to be buried deep in the on-line pile of sludge.
Two more weeks left of the place I call Satan's Lair. Oh, it isn't all bad. I've met people. A lot of people. Special and important.
I look over the past entries and cringe at the negativity.
A broken down doll, suffering from breath to breath. HA!
Don't let that facade fool you. I'm as spoiled and pampered as you can get. It doesn't mean I don't think about things. Tons of things. Things that keep me from sleeping. And they aren't even that special these things. Do you know that I actually contemplate which hand bag to use the next day? Because I have over fifty to choose from?
Lately I've accepted the grace of an active mind. Some days the wine dulls it for awhile--which hasn't happened in large quanities in months--most of the time I get through it.
Because despite having to work at a shitty job or having to sort out your life and the people in it...it's worth every minute.

This thought brought to you by the letter C. And you know exactly what that means.
( Wheeeee, italics!!!)

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