Monday, August 27, 2007

Type A Personalities

The idea of drugs scares the crap out of me. All of the aspects of it. Especially the dependecy where eventually drugs are all you are and what you have left.
And it hits everyone, rich or poor normal or messed up.
An only child for instance, with loving parents and a promising future shouldn't even of had the inclination to try blow. Was it out of boredrom? Self-hatred? Or merely self-absorption?
Or the kid down the street with a fancy car and all money could buy ending up shooting heroin in a graveyard, homeless.
It disgusts me. The want to escape life and the situations that force people there.
It all boils down to hatred of one's self. Not being good enough. Feeling everyday that you don't deserve happiness.
I'm not preaching to anyone, not even to myself.
Someone once told me about different types of personalities. Either you're an A and you could do the drug and be fine and not become addicted or a Type B... ( we all know what happens then ) She never told me there was a Type C.

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